Our mission is to help you Belong, Become, and Bless

We are excited to announce a better system of processing all giving to the church through OEM. This system will cover tithes, offering, donations, and payments for events and other things.

It is a simple two-part process

1. Pledge (Here, to a project)

2. Bank Transfer (To the account shown upon checkout)

That's it! You will have detailed directions at every step to guide you, as well as emails detailing your pledge, the account details to transfer to, and confirmation email upon receipt of payment. To receive emails you must input your email address.

Frequently Asked Questions:

So will I be sending money to, or through a website?
No, you will be pledging or promising on this website, then transferring the amount by bank transfer, by your bank's phone, internet, mobile banking, or the ATM.

What forms of payments do you accept?
For the time being, we only accept Korean bank transfers. We are looking into the possibility of accepting credit card payments in the future.

Must I make an account on the giving site?
No, you do not have to. You can even receive all the confirmation emails without an account as long as you leave your email address.

Are there any advantages to making an account on the giving site?
Yes! Especially if you are an Onnuri/OEM member and tithe regularly and require a giving statement for tax purposes every year. You will be able to see your own records in your profile at any time.

What about security?
The system runs on the GrassRoot platform developed by FiveTwo Foundation right here in Seoul (www.fivetwo.org) whose "data center is guarded by industry standard remote security protocols, firewalled, and tightly monitored" with 256-bit SSL data encryption.

What about privacy?
Whether you make an account or not, you will always have the option to donate anonymously during the process.

Onnuri English Ministry is the English-speaking ministry of Onnuri Community Church in Seoul, Korea.

최근 후원 활동

Yoon님이 Four Corners Ministry - Lighthouse를 후원했습니다.

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2025년 1월 1일부터 후원된 금액


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